9 steps of conflict escalation (part 1)

The 9 escalation levels     Phase I   The conflicting parties are aware of the tensions and contradictions and make efforts to solve them rationally. Failed attempts at solutions contribute to a deepening of the tensions. Despite this, each side makes efforts to work with the opposing party to overcome the conflicts. Cooperation and […]

iceberg model

 The factual and relationship levels often look like an iceberg: only a small fraction of the conflict, the factual part, is visible. The emotional part often remains below the surface.   However, relationship conflicts cannot be solved only at a factual level and vice versa. If the relationship level is not o. k., effective communication […]

Der Status

Nach eine Unterlage von Jost Meyer (Schauspiellehrer) 1. Was ist Status? Der Begriff des Status in der hier gebrauchten Form wurde erstmals von Keith Johnstone im Rahmen seiner Theaterarbeit verwendet. Er ist ein nützliches Werkzeug für die Analyse und die Steuerung von Kommunikation. In erster Linie kennzeichnet er ein wahrnehmbares Verhalten einer Person gegenüber einer […]

You- message versus I- message

I-messages Sending I-messages. If expectations are not fulfilled, if I cannot accept certain behaviour or if I myself am in conflict with my partner, I can use "I-messages" to tell him that I am also a person with feelings, who is annoyed, disappointed, vulnerable. The I-message gives the other person information on how I am […]

Corkscrew Dialogue

Corkscrew Dialogues:                     Dive down beneath the visible surface of symptoms to the area of internal motivations, to bring old problems to the surface and air them    Example:          A woman arrives late. Her husband is ill and she had to take a child to the kindergarten […]

Meeting Conditions

Considerations on the meeting conditions Many meetings fail or become a breeding ground for conflict because the necessary clarifications have not been communicated in advance. Role, relationship Preconceptions about role, purpose and intentions remain hidden and lead to misunderstandings for others. What role am I acting in? What hat do I have on? The same […]

Meeting Preparation

Questions on meeting preparation What is the reason for the meeting? What advance information do I have? Is it about facts? What have I noticed myself? Is the information first or second hand? Can it be used? What information is based on assumptions? Which role am I acting in? Is this part of my role? […]