Personal inner drivers – test

Driver Test



Please read the statements below carefully and then answer how much these statements apply to you actually using the evaluation scale: 
totally                        = 5
mostly, generally         = 4
a little bit                    = 3
nearly not                   = 2
not at all                    = 1
1.       ( ) When I fulfill a task I do it in a thorough and dedicated way.
2.       ( ) I feel responsible for the pleasure and satisfaction of the people I deal with.
3.    ( ) I am constantly moving and in a hurry.
4.    ( ) I don`t like to show my weaknesses to others.
5.    ( ) When I take a break I feel uncomfortable.
6.    ( ) „It is hard to tell exactly what it is.“ That is a sentence I am using quite
7.    ( ) I often speak more than necessary.
8.    ( ) It is hard for me to accept people who are not caring for the exact details.
9.    ( ) It is hard for me to show emotions.
10.  ( ) „Don`t let go“ is my inner motto.
11.  ( ) When I express my point of view I always explain it.
12.  ( ) Once I want something I get it fast.
13.  ( ) I only give reports away when I have done them over a couple of times.
14.  ( ) I get angry when people work slowly and steal my time.
15.  ( ) It is important to me to be accepted by others.
16.  ( ) I give others an impression of strength although I often feel weak
17.  ( ) I often try to find out what others want from me in order to fulfill their
18.  ( ) It is hard for me to understand people who just live along without caring.
19.  ( ) I often interrupt others when we are discussing.
20.  ( ) I take pride in solving my problems on my own.
21.  ( ) I try to complete my tasks as fast as I can.
22.  ( ) I try to keep my distance when dealing with others.
23.  ( ) I should fulfill many tasks even better.
24.  ( ) I take care of all details personally, even of the less important ones.
25.  ( ) No success is heaven-sent. I have to work hard for it.
26.  ( ) I can`t understand people who make simple faults.

27.  ( ) I really appreciate it when people answer my questions short and narrow.

28. ( ) I really care for others telling me if I did my job well.
29. ( ) Once I started to do a job then I see it through to the very end.
30. ( ) I put back my own demands in favor of the demands of others.
31. ( ) I am hard and rough on others in order not to get hurt by them.
32. ( ) In meetings I am often beating the devil’s tattoo impatiently.
33. ( ) When I explain something I like to use clear expressions like “first, second,
34. ( ) I believe that most of the things are not as easy as many people think.
35. ( ) I feel uncomfortable when I have to criticize others.
36. ( ) I often nod during discussions.
37. ( ) I try really hard to reach my goals.
38. ( ) My facial expression is pretty often seen as serious.
39. ( ) I am nervous most of the time.
40. ( ) It is hard to shock or move me.
41. ( ) Others do not need to know my problems because they are private.
42. ( ) I often say: „Come on! Get going!“
43. ( ) I often say: „exactly“, „that’s clear“, „That’s logical“.
44. ( ) I often say: „I don’t understand that …..“
45. ( ) I’d rather say: „Could you try this please?“ than “Please try it”.
46. ( ) I am a diplomat.
47. ( ) I try to exceed the expectations of others.
48. ( ) I often work on something else while I am at the phone.
49. ( ) „Keep a stiff upper lip “ is one of my mottos.
50. ( ) Many things do not work out right for me although I try hard.

                                                                                                                                                  For the evaluation of the test please transfer the scores that you gave every statement number by number from the test to the following evaluation sheet and then sum up your personal score of every driver.
„Be perfect!“                     Statements:
                                      1,     8,     11,   13,   23,   24,   33,   38,   43,   47
                                      __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
                                      Sum: ___
„Speed up!“                      Statements:
                                      3,     12,   14,   19,   21,   27,   32,   39,   42,   48
                                      __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
                                      Sum: ___
„Work (try) hard!“             Statements:
                                      5,     6,     10,   18,   25,   29,   34,   37,   44,   50
                                      __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
                                      Sum: ___
„Be nice!“                         Statements:
(„Be compliant!“)               2,     7,     15,   17,   28,   30,   35,   36,   45,   46
                                      __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
                                      Sum: ___
„Be tough!“                       Statements:
                                      4,     9,     16,   20,   22,   26,   31,   40,   41,   49
                                      __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
                                      Sum: ___
A sum of less than 22 points should not bother you. This driver does not play any role in your life. A driver with 22 to 40 points may have some influence in your life and show up once you get into stress situations. The closer you get to 40 points the bigger the influence of this driver may be on you. Above 40 points the driver will most probably take control of you even if you do not notice it.

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