Das Akronym V.U.C.A. (kurz für volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) beschreibt die geänderten Rahmenbedingungen unter denen Unternehmen organisiert und Mitarbeiter geführt werden müssen. Der Begriff findet zunehmend häufiger Verwendung – auch weil er sowohl oben beschriebene Probleme als auch die möglichen Antworten VUCA (vision, understanding, clarity, agility) zusammenfasst.
Category Archives: Veränderungsmanagement
Das SMART-Modell und das SMART PLUS–Modell
Das SMART – Modell und das SMART PLUS – Modell
Eines der bekanntesten Tools in Form eines Akronyms ist das SMART – Modell. Es hilft bei der Formulierung von Zielen und bei der Delegation von Aufgaben. Wenn es aber auch funktionieren soll, ist SMART PLUS nötig.
Reportinggespräch und Reportingchart – Strukturierungshilfe für Mitarbeitergespräche
In der Interaktion zwischen Mitarbeiter und Führungskraft sind die Zwischengespräche alle sechs bis zwölf Wochen unter vier Augen eines der wichtigsten Mittel. Das Reportingchart hilft bei der Strukturierung der Gespräche.
Performance Management Puzzle
Performance Management – Wie ich dafür sorge, dass meine Mitarbeiter erfolgreich sind.
basic agreement
A shared understanding of the basic tasks, responsibilities and decision-making authority is the basis of any organised work and the stabilising foundation of any cooperation. Because they form the basis of our basic understanding of our work, deficiencies in the basic agreement almost always lead to injuries on the relationship level and of course to […]
Preparatory questions for staff with management responsibility Eight W-rules for delegation: 1. What needs to be done (content)? What are the individual tasks to be achieved? What is the desired result? What are acceptable differences from the desired result? What difficulties can be expected? […]
goals, functions, indicators and types
“Goals describe aspired states in the future.” Functions and purposes Leadership goals intend to create as much agreement as possible on the things to be achieved in the future. 1. Goals therefore have a communicatory function (the supervisor and the co-worker have the same pictures and ideas in mind about future results […]
goal formulation – exercise
Developed by Ulrich Grannemann
goals and agreement
A goal is a necessary, striven for, and/or desired state a) that should be adhered to (especially related to routine work and standard tasks) b) that should be reached at a determined point of time. Advantages of agreements on goals · All persons involved know the necessity and the purpose […]
goals – standards for successful agreement
The goals have to be realistic and able to be influenced by the co-worker. · The goals have to be defined such in a way that they are understandable, clear, and controllable. · Goals related to work results / performance: Who is doing what by when? What is the desired outcome? · […]