goals – standards for successful agreement

The goals have to be realistic and able to be influenced by the co-worker.

·       The goals have to be defined such in a way that they are understandable, clear, and controllable.
·       Goals related to work results / performance: Who is doing what by when? What is the desired outcome?
·       Goals for behaviour / required forms of behaviour: definition of observable indicators, behaviour, exemplary situations
         (1. Question: “How did I come to the conclusion (which observations, standards, etc.)   
     that there is a need for development for my co-worker?”
(2. Question: “How can I, others and the co-worker himself recognise that the goal has been reached?”)
·       The agreement on “how”  the goal is to be achieved depends on the qualification and maturity of the co-worker.
·       Positive wording:
·       No negative, but positive descriptions
·       No comparisons, but specific actions
·       No generalization (always, never, everybody, nobody), but typical situations
·       The employee must be able to influence achievement of the goal.
·       The goals have to be accepted by the employee (consensus / denial?)
·       Contradictions between the different goals of a co-worker or between the goals of those co-workers that are linked to each other should be avoided.
·       If the co-worker has to achieve several goals in one period, priorities must be agreed upon.
·       Intermediate goals should be agreed upon.

Definingthe first steps to be taken helps to overcome psychological barriers

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