feedback rules

0. Attitude 
Criticism (negative feedback) is not a right, but a necessity and obligation for supervisors
1. Yes arena 
Set the framework of a talk clearly, get permission: role, intention, goal and purpose, history …
2. Me messages
Not “you”, not “us” or “we”, not “them”
      a.   I observe…
Facts, facts, facts. What did I observe? (My first reality)
      b.   I suppose…
            or I assume…
My interpretations:,“I got the following impression…”, “ I believe that…” Important: Even this sentence ends with a question mark ( Is my assumption correct?, expecting contradiction)
      c.   Consequences  
What effect did this behaviour have on processes and the performance?
      d.   I feel… 
„… and I am veeeeery annoyed”
3. Goal/ expectation 
New agreement on a goal or a new rule or procedure
4. Plan/road map 
“What (initial) ideas do you have to achieve this?”
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