basic agreement

A shared understanding of the basic tasks, responsibilities and decision-making authority is the basis of any organised work and the stabilising foundation of any cooperation. Because they form the basis of our basic understanding of our work, deficiencies in the basic agreement almost always lead to injuries on the relationship level and of course to deficits in effectiveness and efficiency in the value chain.

Rule 1:
The task must fit the available skills and resources.
Otherwise staff will be under or over-challenged.
Rule 2:
The three columns must always be of equal length, congruent, cover each other. Otherwise there will be gaps in responsibility or encroachment into the „TRAs“ of others.
„By-passes“ must be displayed as exceptions e.g. as part of projects.
Sie sind interessiert an weiteren Themen rund um das Thema Führung? Wir bieten individuelle Programme für Führungskräfte und Inhouse-Programme für Unternehmen. Außerdem halten wir Vorträge rund um das Thema Führung und trainieren Trainer für das Leadion-Modell.
Veröffentlicht in Veränderungsmanagement.

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