communications in work prozesses – SUZIBEKUFF


Developed by Ulrich Grannemann
Communication in work processes can also be described as production of cognitions.
Whether we are talking about conversations, meetings, workshops or entire projects the objective is always the creation of an intellectual product.
The basic circle or rough structure of the communication can be described as
Input – decision – realisation (I-D-R). The input (I) and realisation (R) can further be divided:
"Cognitive product"
Familiar tools, method modules
Process trigger. What are the visible symptoms? Where does the problem lie? Is there agreement about the problem?
·         Problem description
·         Card collection
·         Initiation presentation
·         Issue collection, storage and evaluation
Where did the causes lie? Where does something need to be done? What is perpetuating the problem?
·         Problem analysis scheme (PAS)
·         Herringbone diagram
·         Five whys analysis
·         Matrix, SWOT analysis
Is the objective worthwhile? Eoes it promise high gains?
How will we know exactly when we have reached the objective?
·         Smart
·         SPEZI
·         Objective criteria
·         Commitment questions
·         Requirement/possibility
Ideas, information, input
Collection of possibilities for reaching the objective? Does the best idea rise to the "top"?
·         Brainstorming,
·         Mindmapping,
·         Collect ideas on cards
·         Problem-solving process
Evaluation, effects
Condensing the ideas to a few alternatives. Analyses of risk and side-effects, scenarios.
·         Decision tree
·         Sensibility analyses
·         Weak points analysis
·         Multiple-choice questionnaires
Who makes the decisions? How are decisions made? Where does responsibility lie? Group decision, consensus, majority?
·         Decision models
·         Right of veto
·         TRD
·         Interface matrix
Conception, breakdown
What intermediate steps, milestones or modules can the task or project be broken down into?
·         Schedule
·         Milestones chart
·         Process diagrams
·         Precedence diagram method
·         Project planning tools
Realisation agreements, delegation
Who is doing what, by when, with what result?
·         Plan of action
·         Scheduling/objective agreements
·         Responsibilities for realisation
Feedback, control
Agreement about the point at which results will be fed back and consolidated
·         Degree of objective achievement in %
·         Monitoring
·         Score card
·         Feedback meetings
future pace
Conclusion and outlook.
What can we learn? What was good and what could be done better?
·         Final evaluation
·         Management review
·         Concluding rituals

As a rule the entire chain is not always worked on in one go, parts are tackled individually. For example: symptom, cause, objective at the beginning of processes; or objective, ideas, evaluation when it comes to the preparation of decisions; or a realisation agreement – feedback loop in the realisation phase.

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