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Monthly Archives: Januar 2013
Vier Phasen des Lernens
Lernen ist das einzige Universum, das uns allen wirklich offen steht. Lernen beginnt mit der bewussten Inkompetenz oder dem Suchen nach Modellen.
graves spiral dynamics
Name Meme (doctrine) Metaphor Popular names Fundamental motive Thinking Structures Process 8 Globalist Holistic Colour of the ocean, seeing the earth from space Global view Attention on the whole world dynamic, actions on a macro level holistic global flowing / ecological 7 Opportunity-seeker Integrative Solar energy, alternative technologies Flexible […]
what is leadership
Definitions Leadership in the broader sense takes place almost all of the time and everywhere. We take part in conversations, we influence people, we persuade friends to follow a certain path with us… This document however is concerned with the leadership of people in organisations. As a rule we come […]
factors affecting employees´ performance
Developed by Ulrich Grannemann Factors affecting employees’ performance Is the manager becoming more or less important for the success of the company? The manager is not the only producer of effects which influence the success of employees. Below you will find a system of factors which affect employees’ performance, along with a prognosis. Three […]
the johari window
The four windows can be described as follows: Window 1: The area of free activity or the so-called „open self“ is the part of the personality (e.g. motivations, behaviour etc.) which is known to both myself and others (colleagues, friends, staff members etc.). This part is usually very small in new groups. The more […]
feedback rules
0. Attitude Criticism (negative feedback) is not a right, but a necessity and obligation for supervisors 1. Yes arena Set the framework of a talk clearly, get permission: role, intention, goal and purpose, history … 2. Me messages Not “you”, not “us” or “we”, not […]
interim-talk or 4-point-review
Interim talk or 4-Point-Review How can we close the gap between the annual Performance Review and the more reactive daily leadership business? How can we specify the complex and often intangible leadership job so that it can be specified and broken down easier? How can I find out and report as a supervisor whether […]