Interface analysis

Agreement about the rules governing decisions and information along the lines of interface between Person A and Person B   Considerable disruptions to work frequently occur where varying expectations exist with regard to the decision and information rules (meta-rules). As well as the content, every interaction at the same time dilute the limits of jurisdiction/responsibility. […]

annoyance list

Developed by Ulrich Grannemann   Factual and value conflicts often leave behind injuries on a strong emotional and personal level. "Discount stickers" are applied (see red/blue guys). These are actions or failures which are not forgotten.   If these injuries are not resolved, they poison efforts at new solutions.   Exchanging and working through these […]

iceberg model

The factual and relationship levels often look like an iceberg: only a small fraction of the conflict, the factual part, is visible. The emotional part often remains below the surface. However, relationship conflicts cannot be solved only at a factual level and vice versa. If the relationship level is not o. k., effective communication on […]

agression scales

In the English language the expression „to be aggressive“ has both a positive and a negative meaning. The positive side of aggression or aggressiveness stands for moving forward, approaching and beginning something or someone and pushing it in the right direction. The negative implication of aggression stands for violence, insulting, attacking someone or something. The American […]

constructive confrontation

Dealing with mistakes/unmet expectations   How should I as a manager react? What is an appropriate reaction?   Failure to react or delayed reactions leads to tacit contracts. The staff member learns that the results behaviour is okay. The manager expects the staff member to read his mind: As a good member of staff he […]

leadership authorities

As a manager, what am I responsible for and what am I not responsible for? In an upwards direction, management requirements are open. We only need to think of the leadership fields of motivation and coaching. But where does duty come alongside free will, for what can I be made responsible? Or seen from another […]

9 steps of conflict escalation (part 1)

The 9 escalation levels     Phase I   The conflicting parties are aware of the tensions and contradictions and make efforts to solve them rationally. Failed attempts at solutions contribute to a deepening of the tensions. Despite this, each side makes efforts to work with the opposing party to overcome the conflicts. Cooperation and […]