Schütteres Haar? Ab zum Friseur!

Schütteres Haar? Ab zum Friseur!
Körpersprache und Führung: Glatzköpfe wirken dominanter, größer und stärker. Der Bruce Willis Look ist angesagt. Zumindest sind das die Erkenntnisse nach neuesten Forschungsergebnissen. Eine Glosse.

4 dimensions of non-verbal communication

There are many varied answers to the question of which is the most important or central skill in communication (and hence also in leadership). Asking the right questions, the art of formulation, framing, structure and construction of conversations, attitude and view of humanity. 


1. Basic feelings Indication: Conflict in the system (family, career, group …) Goal: X wants to be able to behave more flexibly towards Y, in order to remove the feed from the conflict which is putting such a strain on X himself and the system. Method: There are at least three ways in which we […]