Three Ego States

    ¬The Three Ego States ¬Positive and Negative Effects   ¬Challenging the Ego States                                                         The Three Ego States   The Ego States form a model of explanation in the transactional analysis of the human personality. They are structured and defined modes of experience and behaviour. Transactional Analysis makes the assumption that every person […]

Interface analysis

Agreement about the rules governing decisions and information along the lines of interface between Person A and Person B   Considerable disruptions to work frequently occur where varying expectations exist with regard to the decision and information rules (meta-rules). As well as the content, every interaction at the same time dilute the limits of jurisdiction/responsibility. […]

leadership authorities

As a manager, what am I responsible for and what am I not responsible for? In an upwards direction, management requirements are open. We only need to think of the leadership fields of motivation and coaching. But where does duty come alongside free will, for what can I be made responsible? Or seen from another […]

Der Status

Nach eine Unterlage von Jost Meyer (Schauspiellehrer) 1. Was ist Status? Der Begriff des Status in der hier gebrauchten Form wurde erstmals von Keith Johnstone im Rahmen seiner Theaterarbeit verwendet. Er ist ein nützliches Werkzeug für die Analyse und die Steuerung von Kommunikation. In erster Linie kennzeichnet er ein wahrnehmbares Verhalten einer Person gegenüber einer […]